
Articles Posted in Asbestos Exposure


Massachusetts Mesothelioma Lawyers Must Be Meticulous

Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers are nothing if not meticulous. That’s important for lawyers in any sector of law, but it’s critical in asbestos exposure litigation because many of these cases involve evidence that goes back decades. An incident stemming from a mesothelioma win in Mississippi illustrates the importance of this.…


Boston Mesothelioma Suits & Multiple Defendants

Companies responsible for asbestos exposure in Boston and throughout the country use every possible tool at their disposal to divert the focus from their liability for mesothelioma sickness and death. The latest involves smear tactic targeting mesothelioma lawyers, saying their actions are akin to fraud, particularly when there is more…


Betz v. Pneumo Abex llc. – A Blow to New England Mesothelioma Cases

Boston mesothelioma attorneys are going to have to get even more aggressive in fighting for their clients, following a decision by the high court in Pennsylvania, which could have far-reaching implications. At issue in Betz v. Pneumo Abex llc. was whether scientific evidence showing that even a slight amount of…


In Re: Fed-Mogul Global, Inc. – Ruling on Asbestos Trusts

Boston mesothelioma lawyers have been following the developments surrounding the case involving Fed-Mogul Global, Inc. In Boston mesothelioma cases – and really, in mesothelioma cases all over the country – it’s been common over the last 20 years for businesses accused of exposure to asbestos to file for Chapter 11…


Boston Asbestos Exposure From Improper Removal Leads to Charges

Asbestos exposure in a Boston suburb has resulted in criminal charges, and our Boston mesothelioma Lawyers understand that the 59-year-old landlord is accused of violating the, the incident happened in Grafton, about one hour west of Boston. The woman is reportedly charged with three violations of the state’s Clean…


Boston Asbestos Exposure Watch: NYC Parents Protest

Our Boston asbestos exposure attorneys have reported on numerous cases involving children who are placed at risk when district officials or construction companies are careless with removal of the deadly material. We know that Boston asbestos removal must follow strict guidelines in terms of how, when and who can complete…

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