According to a recent news article from the Bangor Daily News, an asbestos abatement (removal) project at an old mill location will cost around $16 million to complete. This location has been tested and is known to contain above-ground asbestos and other toxins, as well as underground toxins. This huge…
Articles Posted in Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos-Related Injuries in Boston Other Than Mesothelioma
While companies in the asbestos industry worked hard for more than a century to keep the fact that asbestos exposure causes malignant mesothelioma from the general public, this is not the only serious and potentially deadly illness asbestos exposure can cause. One of the lesser known, but still fairly common…
Report: Mesothelioma Cases Filed by Man Who Lived Near Asbestos Factory
According to a recent news article from The Louisiana Record, a man with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has just filed a lawsuit against a factory that produced asbestos products for many years. He claims in his mesothelioma lawsuit that he was exposed at his residence to the deadly asbestos fibers, which…
Rotting Paper Mill in Mass. To Be Public Park After Asbestos Abatement
On the banks of the Deerfield River in Monroe, Massachusetts sits what is left of a paper mill that has long since closed. The mill is completely dilapidated and is now an asbestos-laden mess that is slowly slipping into the river. Not only is it an eyesore that many would…
Feds Discover Asbestos Release at Renovation Near Broncos’ Stadium
In 2014 the Denver Broncos were in the National Football League (NFL) and played two of their games at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. As these games were going on, the United States Attorney’s Office has alleged that the owners of a nearby apartment complex were doing a large…
Mass. School Asbestos Abatement Project Falls Behind Schedule
All across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, local towns and school boards are forced to deal with aging school buildings that are in desperate need of repair and asbestos abatement. While this is not a problem unique to Massachusetts by any means, the area is home to large number of these…
Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Settled for $80M
According to a recent news article from KCUR News, a class action lawsuit involving 7,500 employees at the old Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas was just settled in the amount of $80 million. This was a settlement on the eve of trial, as a jury had already been chosen and…
Asbestos Exposure Linked to Arthritis
There is no question that exposure to asbestos fibers will often result in the development of malignant mesothelioma. This can involve malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) when the disease originally starts in a victim’s lungs, or it can involve malignant pericardial mesothelioma when it first occurs in a patient’s chest. If…
Sen. Dick Durbin Asks EPA to Protect Americans from Asbestos
According to a recent article from E News Park Forest, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, (D-Ill.,) has called on the federal Environmental Protection Agency to give top priority on the list of chemicals it will be reviewing under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act. This act is a…
Asbestos Certification Company Owner Pleaded Guilty to Making Fake Certifications
There is no question that being an asbestos abatement professional is a hazardous job. Workers in this industry are at high risk of inhaling asbestos fibers that are too dangerous for anyone else to be around. For this reason, the industry is heavily regulated and employers must ensure workers have all the proper…