
Articles Posted in Boston Mesothelioma


$4 Million Asbestos Injury Verdict, Every Exposure Theory, Tossed

The “every exposure” theory in asbestos litigation has been widely criticized and many judges have concluded it doesn’t pass muster in a court of law. The crux of it is that because no amount of exposure to asbestos is safe, every exposure to asbestos must be harmful. But simply showing…


Asbestos Still in Use Today

A recent news feature form Reuters looks at the relatively unknown reality that asbestos is not technically illegal in the U.S.  There was an attempt to ban asbestos in the late 1970s via a regulatory action by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but the muscle of these prohibitions were…


AIG, Travelers Not Liable for Payment of Asbestos Claims, Bankruptcy Court Rules

Some defendants in asbestos litigation, facing crippling debt in the face of accountability for concealing the danger of their products and failing to protect the public, filed for bankruptcy and established trusts to pay out current and future claims. More than 100 companies have filed for bankruptcy protection due in…


Rondon v. Hennessy Industries, Inc. – “Inevitable Use” Standard in Asbestos Litigation

A brake arcing machine manufacturer can be held accountable for toxic asbestos exposure to a mechanic, even though its product did not actually contain asbestos.  These machines were used to grind asbestos-laden brake linings in auto mechanic shops throughout the country for decades. Defendant in the California case of Rondon v.…


Jury Awards Nearly $9 Million to Dying Mesothelioma Victim

According to a recent news feature from Oregon Live, a local jury has just awarded $8.75 million to a man who is currently dying from malignant mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure that occurred around 40 years ago. The victim is a 65-year-old man who first became exposed to the deadly…


Massachusetts Asbestos Contractors Request Dismissal of Fraud Charges

According to a recent news feature from the Eagle-Tribune, a local couple that operates an asbestos abatement business have been charged with fraud, are seeking to get the court dismiss those charges. They are currently being accused of committing fraud against employers who are members of a Massachusetts construction workers’…


How a Natural Disaster Leads to Heightened Asbestos Risk

According to a recent news report from the Times Free Press, a community that was ravaged by a series of powerful tornadoes is now facing a serious problem as result of deadly asbestos-laden debris. The tornadoes ripped through the small southern town in late April of 2011.  It was dark…

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