Articles Posted in Mesothelioma Case


Couple Fined Approx. $22,000 for Asbestos Violation

If you own a home anywhere in the country and are planning on doing major renovations or demolition, and you know or have reason to know that your home contains asbestos, you simply can’t go it alone.  There are laws and regulations that must be followed to keep any workers…


In re: New York City Asbestos Litigation

In In re: New York City Asbestos Litigation, a mesothelioma case from the New York Court of Appeals, court records indicate defendant sold valves to the U.S. Navy.  These valves were designed to be used under high pressure and in high heat situations aboard naval ships.  The valves themselves did…


Pool Chemical Companies Oppose Asbestos Law

A number of public health officials are pushing for the Environmental Protection Agency to put asbestos at the top of their list of regulatory priorities. However, Bloomberg reports those in the pool chemical industry are concerned about this. That’s because chlorine, caustic soda and other chemicals manufactured in this industry…


Developer Pleaded Guilty for Violation of Asbestos Laws Involving Historic Home

According to a recent news feature from the Washington City Paper, a 59-year-old man has just pleaded to asbestos related violations of the federal Clean Air Act involving an historic home that many consider to be one of our nation’s architectural treasures. This residence in question is located in the…


Demolition of Rocket Factory Brings Asbestos Concerns

There is no denying the space program in the United States is not like it once was.  The shuttle program ended years ago, and neither NASA nor the U.S. government currently have any ability to send manned rockets into space.  For any manned space flights, NASA must rely on Russia’s space…


R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. v. Stidham: Mesothelioma Litigation

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. v. Stidham involved plaintiffs who were diagnosed with lung cancer that attempted to join a single lawsuit against the tobacco companies and the producers of asbestos and asbestos products. These plaintiffs asserted that their cancers were the result of both exposures to deadly asbestos fibers as…


One Asbestos Awareness Advocate Tells Her Story

As you may have heard, last month President Barack Obama signed a bill into law that allows the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to more easily ban toxic substances, including deadly asbestos fibers. This bill was one of the few bills in recent history that received bipartisan support. While…


Appellate Court Upholds $3 Million Asbestos Verdict

The highest court in the State of New York has just upheld a $3 million verdict, according to a recent news article from The Buffalo News.  In this case, a former employee who worked as a pipe fitter for General Motors Company at one of their engine plants had died…


State Approves Asbestos Abatement Plan for Quincy Church Project

According to a recent news article from the Patriot Ledger, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has finally approved an asbestos abatement plan for a church that is slated to be demolished in Quincy.  This is after a month-long shut down on the project so an asbestos abatement plan…


New Jersey High Court: Companies On Hook When Workers Take Home Toxic Material

The New Jersey Supreme Court has expanded an earlier decision pertaining to “take-home toxic tort liability,” which is the assertion that companies can be responsible when their workers exposed to potentially harmful materials and take those materials home to their spouses.  Now, in Schwartz v. Accuratus Corporation, justices ruled that…

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