According to a recent news feature from New Hampshire Public Radio, state and federal investigators were given a tip from a confidential informant regarding large piles of debris containing asbestos dumped outside a building in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The building is owned by one of the largest real estate developers in the state of New Hampshire.
What the agency officials were willing to say is their confidential informant told them there were as many of as ten dump truck loads of used sandblast grit along with the lead paint that was sandblasted. They were also told that there was asbestos mixed in with this sandblast, which was part of the material that was removed during a demolition project that occurred in New Hampshire. Much of this material, they were told, would be in the basement of the building in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Authorities have not confirmed they have discovered the source of this toxic waste, but it is believed to be the building developer who was already under investigation for other alleged violations.
The developer did, however, respond to reporters about this discovery and said that he had no idea where any of the asbestos-laden material allegedly found on his property came from and had no idea there was any kind of investigation ongoing until MassDep personnel contacted him.
A review of some emails that were uncovered indicate that the confidential informant is an employee of one of the subcontractors hired by developer a part of a construction project in the New England area, which the confidential informant claimed was the source of the asbestos material. As for the specific building project, the developer is gutting some industrial buildings as part of a larger industrial complex and conducted massive renovations to turn the old mill structures into luxury apartments. It should be noted that there have been no charges filed against the real estate developer as of the time of this article, as these are merely allegations that have yet to be proven in a court of law.
As our Boston mesothelioma lawyers can discuss in your initial consultation, there are certain state and federal requirements for the removal of asbestos – a process often referred to as asbestos abatement. The reason for these rigid requirements is because if the fibers are inhaled or ingested by workers or those in the general community, they can become trapped in a layer of tissue known as the mesothelium. Once in the mesothelium, they can metastasize into the deadly form of cancer known as mesothelioma.
If you or a loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma in Boston, call for a free and confidential appointment at (617) 777-7777.
State, Feds Discuss ‘Criminal Investigations’ Linked to Asbestos at Brady Sullivan Site, April 19, 2016, NHPR, By Jack Rodolico
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