
Oxidative Stress After Exposure May Predict Mesothelioma

Medical research is often aimed at identifying risk factors for the most serious and deadly diseases. Mesothelioma is often the target of new research and advancements because a diagnosis is always deadly. In a recent medical development, Turkish scientists are assessing inflammation and oxidation in the body with a hypothesis that identification of oxidation levels can help predict which patients of asbestos exposure may develop mesothelioma. While the study is not necessarily going to be a cure, it could help with early treatment of the deadly cancer.

The report, published in The Scientific World Journal, suggests that how an individual responds to the stress of asbestos exposure could provide a clue as to whether that person is at risk of eventually developing mesothelioma. Our mesothelioma attorneys in Massachusetts are dedicated to helping protect the rights of patients and their families who are suffering as a result of mesothelioma. We understand the gravity of these cases and are committed to helping victims and families seek compensation.

Mesothelioma is the most dangerous of any illnesses that could develop after asbestos exposure. The disease is known to spread quickly and victims are usually given a bleak prognosis. Most will die within months or a few years after diagnosis. Mesothelioma may not appear for decades after exposure but once it takes hold, victims have few opportunities to stop the cancer. The medical developments in mesothelioma may give hope to some families and patients as researchers seek to better understand the disease.

Turkish scientists compared measures of oxidative stress in individuals who had been exposed to asbestos. According to the records, 46 of the patients developed mesothelioma after exposure, while 80 did not. There was also a control group of 50 individuals who were not exposed to asbestos at all. All of the asbestos-exposed patients had a higher oxidation level that the control group, suggesting that the oxidation was tied to the asbestos in their bodies. The important difference was that the patients who did not suffer from mesothelioma had a lower oxidation level that those who had been diagnosed. Mesothelioma patients also had a higher level of iron in their bodies which is linked to asbestos.

Researchers concluded from the study that the elevated iron and oxidative stress levels could be predictive in identifying individuals who may be at risk of developing mesothelioma. Victims who have been exposed to asbestos may later be diagnosed with mesothelioma, a dangerous and deadly disease that has no cure. Though new laws and policies now regulate the use of asbestos products, individuals are still at risk of exposure. Those who work with household products or industrial products in the construction industry may be at a higher risk of asbestos exposure.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is important to consult with an experienced advocate as soon as possible. An experienced advocate should take the time to review your case, identify your options, and help you to pursue maximum compensation for your losses. Families who have lost a loved one to mesothelioma may also be entitled to significant financial recovery for an asbestos-exposure and related death.

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma, call for a free and confidential appointment at (617) 777-7777.

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