
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog


Holyoke Energy Company Gets Tax Incentive for Expansion and Asbestos Abatement

According to a recent news article from Mass Live, a large energy firm in Holyoke has received $700,000 in tax incentives to move forward with a planned major expansion. Much of these funds will be used for asbestos abatement. Town officials, members of a public development corporation, and company representatives…


A Look at How Military Veterans with Mesothelioma are Treated

A recent news feature from the Huffington Post takes a look the additional hurdles faced by military veterans who are diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.  There is no question there are many ways soldiers die while bravely serving our country.  We have seen soldiers and sailors killed in firefights with an…


Tremelimumab Fails Drugs Trials for Mesothelioma Treatment

Tremelimumab is one of several drugs that are in development as a treatment for malignant mesothelioma.  As discussed in a recent article from FDA News Alert, for patients, a mesothelioma diagnosis is one of the scariest things they can hear.  It is a rare illness and there is no cure. …


WT1 Granted Orphan Drug Status for Mesothelioma Treatment

According to a recent news feature from LABIOTECH, Sellas Life Sciences Group, based in Switzerland, has just received orphan drug status approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its new drug known as WT1 vaccine. WT1 vaccine is an immunotherapeutic cancer vaccine that is being developed…


New Car Dealership to Invest in Mass. Town after Dealing with Asbestos Abatement

A recent news feature from Mass Live discusses a plan for a new Mercedes Dealership to open in Chicopee, Massachusetts.  While the opening of a car dealership would not normally be all that news worthy, this large dealership is expected to constitute a major investment in the region of around…


Haverhill School Library Destroyed by Flooding and Asbestos

According to recent news feature from CBS Boston, a busted water pipe at Consentino Middle School in Haverhill, Massachusetts has caused major damage.  Students were not present due to a winter vacation, which is becoming more common as New England schools save on heating costs. School officials say the pipe…


Plumber in Worcester Found Guilty of Child Endangerment Involving Asbestos

According to a news article from CBS Boston, a plumber in Worcester has been convicted on child endangerment charges.  The facts as alleged by prosecutors were that defendant hired a teenage worker to remove asbestos insulation.  This teenage worker was not trained in asbestos removal or properly certified and was…


Owner of Famous Steamboat Pleads Guilty to Asbestos-Related Fraud

Anyone who has ever read the work of Mark Twain or watched any number of classic movies is aware that steamboats with giant paddle wheels once traveled up and down the Mississippi River on a regular basis.  There were grand boats with multiple decks and featured casinos, shows and balconies…


Sikorsky Mesothelioma Lawsuit Seeks Extensive Monitoring

According to a recent news feature from the Journal Inquirer, a New England man who worked for Sikorsky is now the leading plaintiff in a major mesothelioma class action lawsuit.   Sikorsky is a major manufacturer of civilian and military helicopters, including the famous green and white one’s used to transport…

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