
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog


Wife Dies from Doing Husband’s Asbestos Filled Laundry

There is no question that asbestos was dangerous to the seemingly countless factory workers and construction workers who worked in asbestos-laden environments for decades of the last century. When these workers would breathe in the deadly asbestos fibers, these fibers would become embedded in the layer of tissue know as…


New England School Closed Due to Asbestos

Many schools in Boston and across New England were built during a time when asbestos was heavily used in construction. The asbestos was deadly to the miners who unearthed the material and to the workers who installed it in the schools, but, generally speaking, asbestos is no longer harmful to…


Rep. Blake Fernthold Discusses Need for Asbestos Reform to Protect Veterans and First Responders

Representative Blake Fernthold (R-Texas) is speaking out about problems with the mesothelioma victims’ fund for first responders and veterans exposed to deadly mesothelioma fibers.   The funds were set up by Congress in the 1990s, and money was reserved for future victims, since it typically takes between 20 and 50 years…


More Problems with BASF’s Acquisition of Long-Time Asbestos Producer

By now there have been a lot of news articles about German-based multinational chemical giant BASF unknowingly inheriting significant liability for the pain, suffering, and ultimately death of what seems like countless asbestos exposure mesothelioma victims. This company assumed this risk when it acquired Engelhard Corporation nearly 10 years ago…


Results not Promising for New Mesothelioma Drug

As many know too well, there is not much doctors can do for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. This is not say there aren’t a multitude of FDA-approved treatment options, because there are, but even in the best case scenarios, patients undergo invasive and painful procedures and may only be…


Promising Results for CRS-207 Trials in Fighting Mesothelioma

According to a recent news release from Nasdaq News Service, Aduro Biotech has just announced the results of Phase 1b mesothelioma trials for its new immunotherapy drug, CRS-207. Phase 1b is part of the process of clinical trials to test new medications on human patients. In this phase, multiple increasing…


Whistleblower Reports Asbestos at VA Hospital

According to a recent public letter from the United States Office of Special Counsel to President Barack Obama, a whistleblower’s claims of asbestos safety violations at a Veteran’s Administration (VA) hospital have been substantiated. The reason the letter was addressed to the president is because, as president, he is technically…


What is Chrysotile Asbestos?

There is no question that asbestos is harmful to humans. It would be fair to assume that most adults in America are familiar with this fact. Many people know asbestos can cause cancer, but this pretty much sums up the general public’s knowledge about asbestos, including where it comes from.…

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