Mesothelioma is a deadly disease for which there is no cure. There are treatments that can be used to extend a patient’s life for a matter of months, or, in the best cases, years. However, once a patient is diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, he or she usually only has a…
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog
Indirect Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma
Asbestos has been used heavily during much of the last century in almost all aspects of production and construction. While many factory jobs and construction jobs involve working directly with asbestos, there are some jobs thought to be relatively safe from asbestos exposure. One of these safer construction jobs is…
New Type of Asbestos Class Action Lawsuit
When someone is exposed to asbestos and inhales fibers, it normally takes between 20 and 50 years for the fibers to lead to malignant mesothelioma. Patients typically do not realize they are sick until they develop symptoms. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Once a…
Asbestos Continues Delay in Opening New Boston Homeless Shelter
With the unscheduled closing of Boston’s Long Island Homeless Shelter, city officials have been scrambling find a new location to house hundreds of displaced homeless residents and many drug rehabilitation patients. The shelter was closed when the bridge connecting Long Island to Quincy became so deteriorated city engineers urged it…
City Cautions Urban Explorers About Exposure
If you search the internet for “urban explorers” you will see websites dedicated to those who spend their spare time sneaking into abandoned buildings in cities across the United States taking photographs of what sometimes appears to be a window into the past. One of the locations these urban explorers…
New Defense Asserted in Mesothelioma Litigation
There is no question that malignant mesothelioma is extremely rare absent exposure to asbestos. Basically, if a doctor makes a diagnosis of mesothelioma, it is presumed in virtually every case the disease was caused by exposure to the toxic fibers. The next issue that comes up is finding out the…
Millions at Stake as Major Asbestos Trial Begins
According to a recent report from Fairfield Daily Republic, one asbestos trial is garnering a lot of attention from corporate leaders. This trial involves a former shipyard worker who is dying of cancers caused by his occupational exposure to asbestos. This trial is expected to take many weeks to complete…
New Study Shows Suspected Breast Cancer May be Mesothelioma
Many people think mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer. While mesothelioma is a cancer that can occur in the lungs, it is not considered lung cancer. Mesothelioma occurs when a patient inhales asbestos fibers and those fibers become embedded in a layer of protective tissues known as the mesothelium.…
Asbestos at Martha’s Vineyard Library Site Causes Delays, Costs
Residents of Martha’s Vineyard, a town on the Cape south of Boston, have been eagerly awaiting the opening of the library budgeted to cost a quarter of a million dollars at the time bids were awarded. The problem now facing contractors is it is now estimated to cost nearly half…
Jamaica Plain Residents Worried About Asbestos Exposure
Resident’s of Boston’s Jamaica Plain neighborhood are extremely worried about asbestos exposure during demolition of the Casey Overpass, according to a recent news article form the Jamaica Plain News. The Casey Overpass is part of Boston’s Arborway, which was part of Fredrick Law Olmsted’s plan in the 1890s to construct…