
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog


Advocacy for U.S Navy and Military Veterans With Mesothelioma

Statistics indicate that members of the military are among the most-often affected by asbestos exposure and diagnosed in mesothelioma cases. Veterans have an exceptionally high rate of disease and some experts suggest that 30% of all mesothelioma cases are diagnosed in veteran cases. Historically, many of these veterans were exposed…


Oxidative Stress After Exposure May Predict Mesothelioma

Medical research is often aimed at identifying risk factors for the most serious and deadly diseases. Mesothelioma is often the target of new research and advancements because a diagnosis is always deadly. In a recent medical development, Turkish scientists are assessing inflammation and oxidation in the body with a hypothesis…


Do-It-Yourself Home Repairs May Account for Next Wave of Asbestos Injuries

Many people are inspired to do home repairs and home remodeling themselves, especially with network shows like HGTV and This Old House making it look so simple to fix up a house. Unfortunately, many homes built before 1980 have asbestos in them, and doing home improvement tasks could cause serious…


Court Decision in Asbestos Case Punishes Victims for Bad Decisions They Didn’t Make

When Garlock went bankrupt, a federal bankruptcy judge had to decide how much money the company should put into a trust fund to pay asbestos victims who had become ill as a result of exposure to toxic asbestos fibers. Manufacturers of asbestos products pay into these trust funds to ensure…


Health Insurers’ Claims to Asbestos Damages

In most lawsuits based on defective products or personal injury, plaintiffs file individual claims, which become public knowledge. Asbestos cases are different. Many asbestos manufacturers have gone bankrupt because so many people were harmed by exposure and manufacturers had to compensate for serious health problems like asbestosis and mesothelioma. To…


Massachusetts DEP Fines Essex Demolition Company for Improper Asbestos Handling

With the dangers of asbestos so well-known, it’s hard to believe that companies continue to put employees and the public at risk of exposure. Unfortunately, an incident of careless asbestos handling by an Essex demolition company has endangered countless people recently as a result of the company’s complete failure to…


Mesothelioma Patients Face Challenges Paying for Treatment

Treatment for mesothelioma can be extremely expensive. Surgery, aggressive chemotherapy and radiation therapy may all be necessary to prolong survival. Patients diagnosed with mesothelioma may also face costs associated with pain-management procedures or palliative care and may not be able to work. Health insurance can cover some of these expenses,…


Lung Cancer, Asbestos and Tobacco: Understanding Your Rights

The majority of those filing asbestos lawsuits in Massachusetts are people who worked in industries where they were exposed to the dangerous fibers in the course of carrying out their daily duties. These individuals suffered from what we call occupational exposure. There are other forms of exposure of course, including…

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