
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog


Massachusetts Appeals Court Backs Asbestos Defendants

In a disappointing decision reached earlier this month, the Massachusetts Appeals Court upheld a lower court’s earlier ruling that two asbestos defendants are not responsible for the mesothelioma allegedly incurred as a result of contact with the businesses’ products. Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers know how vitally important it is to…


Another Asbestos Transparency Bill Proposed, This Time in Miss.

Following Ohio’s passage of an asbestos claim “transparency” bill, requiring those claiming illness due to asbestos to disclose all current and previous defendants, Mississippi is now jumping on the bandwagon. Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers are troubled by this trend, as it is being pushed by asbestos defendants in an effort…


Out-of-State Mesothelioma Filings in Philadelphia Taper Significantly

Efforts by court administrators to reduce the number of out-of-state mesothelioma cases being filed there have reportedly been successful – which is not great news for potential plaintiffs here in Boston. Our Boston mesothelioma attorneys know that effective changes made to Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas actually took place last…


Contact Mesothelioma Lawyer Immediately Upon Asbestos-Related Diagnosis

A decision by the Virginia Supreme Court regarding the statute of limitations on personal injury or wrongful death claims related to asbestos highlights the fact that these cases need to be promptly filed. Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers know that some people diagnosed with asbestosis – a chronic disease with a…


Estimation Hearing Shows Disparity in Beliefs on Warranted Asbestos Payouts

It’s logical that companies trying to settle a large number of mesothelioma claims are going to argue for the least possible payout. But our Boston mesothelioma lawyers know that such offers fall far short when you calculate the sheer number of people sickened and the devastating impact that this lung…

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