
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog


New England Mesothelioma Attorneys: Asbestos Exposure Downtown

New England mesothelioma cases are the direct result of negligent exposure to asbestos. Our Boston mesothelioma attorneys know that for many victims, it isn’t possible for justice to ever fully be served because currently, those who have been diagnosed with this awful disease aren’t going to get better. No amount…


Boston Mesothelioma Lawyers: The Trouble With Trusts

As we’ve previously reported in our Boston Mesothelioma Lawyers’ Blog, more than 100 companies deemed responsible for lethal asbestos exposure have filed for bankruptcy and established trusts in order to pay out claimants and minimize litigation. Boston mesothelioma lawyers recognize that there are pros and cons to this system. On…


In Re: Fed-Mogul Global, Inc. – Ruling on Asbestos Trusts

Boston mesothelioma lawyers have been following the developments surrounding the case involving Fed-Mogul Global, Inc. In Boston mesothelioma cases – and really, in mesothelioma cases all over the country – it’s been common over the last 20 years for businesses accused of exposure to asbestos to file for Chapter 11…


Boston Mesothelioma Cases Could be Impacted by California Ruling

Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers routinely keep a close watch on the pulse of what’s happening in other districts and even states with regard to similar lawsuits. Often, Boston mesothelioma cases can mirror what’s happening around the country. It’s important to know which strategies have been especially effective, as well as…


Boston Asbestos Exposure From Improper Removal Leads to Charges

Asbestos exposure in a Boston suburb has resulted in criminal charges, and our Boston mesothelioma Lawyers understand that the 59-year-old landlord is accused of violating the, the incident happened in Grafton, about one hour west of Boston. The woman is reportedly charged with three violations of the state’s Clean…


Boston Mesothelioma Attorneys: Educate Yourself on Trusts & Transparency Bill

Boston mesothelioma attorneys have been closely following the developments regarding asbestos trust funds and government attempts to increase transparency and reduce fraud. Those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Boston have probably heard of these trusts. If not, it’s time to educate yourself. Back in the late 1970s, Congress…


Boston Mesothelioma: Red Wine May Hold Key to Treatment

Boston mesothelioma attorneys know that this disease is brutal. As of yet, there is no known cure for a patient dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis. However, there is encouraging research that was recently published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine recently, suggesting that red wine – of all things…


Boston Asbestos Exposure Watch: NYC Parents Protest

Our Boston asbestos exposure attorneys have reported on numerous cases involving children who are placed at risk when district officials or construction companies are careless with removal of the deadly material. We know that Boston asbestos removal must follow strict guidelines in terms of how, when and who can complete…


Boston Asbestos Exposure Watch: Police in D.C. Allege Risk

Often, we think of Boston mesothelioma patients as construction workers or rail workers or those who have been in some other type of building-related industry. However, our Boston mesothelioma lawyers know that because asbestos exposure – the main cause of mesothelioma – most often occurs through airborne exposure, almost anyone…

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