Local developers in Whitman have plans to take a nearly 200-year-old church and turn it into an apartment complex. But officials have pointed out that there are risks of asbestos exposure in Massachusetts if it’s not removed properly, The Boston Globe reports. Our Massachusetts mesothelioma lawyers worry that when old…
Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog
Salem Construction Firm Penalized By State For Asbestos Removal Problems
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection recently penalized a Salem construction company nearly $40,000 because it hired an unlicensed asbestos contractor to work on two sites in 2010, the Boston Globe reports. Our Massachusetts mesothelioma lawyers have reported many times before about problems contractors have had in properly removing asbestos…
Building Demolition May Have Left Workers, Public Exposed to Asbestos
A recent report by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that the experimental demolition at an apartment complex in 2007 in Texas may have exposed the public to asbestos. This was the fear many had in Massachusetts during the summer when a tornado blew through Springfield and Western Massachusetts, downing…
Australian Actor Dies After Asbestos Exposure as a Teenager
An Australian actor who spent time on the big screen and small screen on the island nation died recently at the age of 67 after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, The Telegraph reports. Sadly, our Boston mesothelioma lawyers anticipate seeing more and more obituaries of people who die because decades ago…
Alabama City Has to Deal With Asbestos-Laden Building Issue
The city of Mobile, Alabama, is dealing with an old city hall building built with asbestos, a cancer-causing mineral found throughout the United States. A website of Alabama news, The Press-Register, reports that it will cost $240,000 to remove asbestos and other contaminants that have been found inside. This can…
WHO Reports 92,000 Mesothelioma Deaths Between 1994 and 2008
The World Health Organization reported recently that more than 92,000 people died in 83 countries over a 15-year span that ended in 2008. While that is a low number considering the number of people there are worldwide — nearly 7 billion — one must take into consideration how many deaths…
Boiler Room Worker, 71, Dies After Years of Asbestos Exposure
A former boiler room worker died of an “all too familiar” way — mesothelioma, a coroner in England said recently. Mesothelioma in Massachusetts and elsewhere is a fatal illness, and it’s not just a problem in New England. Other countries, England included, also has had many reports of mesothelioma that…
Connecticut Legislative Group Looks to Make Changes to Inform Buyers of Asbestos
The Connecticut Post is reporting that a legislative panel is working on changes to the state’s disclosure form used in residential real estate transactions that would inform people whether asbestos is or has been inside the house. Boston mesothelioma lawyers believe this is a good step in helping to prevent…
Occupy Movement Protestors Take Over Asbestos-Laden Building
After starting in New York City, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread like wildfire throughout many parts of the United States and the world. Occupy Wall Street protesters say they have taken to the streets and parks of America to highlight problems associated with the separation of classes —…
Canada Has Banned Asbestos, Yet it is One of the World’s Leading Exporters
As our Massachusetts mesothelioma lawyers blogged about in September, our neighbors to the north in Canada have come under fire in the international community because it makes hundreds of millions of dollars from exporting asbestos to other countries. An article in September reported that investors came up with $25 million…