Articles Posted in asbestos exposure


Missouri Court: No Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Repeat After Diagnosis Change

Asbestosis and mesothelioma are two separate and distinct conditions that can occur from the same exposure to deadly asbestos fibers. Asbestosis is known to be more of a chronic condition, while mesothelioma is more aggressive and also undoubtedly terminal. In some jurisdictions, courts have allowed for a separate cause of…


New Asbestos Illness Claims Protections for Ohio Firefighters

The governor of Ohio has just signed a measure into law that will grant firefighters in that state the right to file a workers’ compensation claim if they are diagnosed with cancer – including mesothelioma. The measure creates a rebutable presumption that when a fire department employee is diagnosed with…


BorgWarner Announces $411M Set Aside for Future Asbestos Exposure Settlements

BorgWarner Inc., a Michigan-based company that supplies turborcharger and emissions systems to the auto industry, recently reported a one-time charge of $411 million, which it is setting aside for future asbestos exposure liability claims.  That’s according to Crain’s Detroit Business, which reports the charge resulted in a net loss in…


Report: Mishandling of Asbestos in Schools Causes Problems

According to the The Huffington Post, asbestos in classrooms has become a major problem across the country. Schools are reportedly not handling the problem well.  The reporter notes that any older school building likely has asbestos, and some of that asbestos could be harming your children. To get an idea of how bad…


Issues with Asbestos Litigation involving Bankrupt Companies

During much of the industrial revolution in the United States and Western Europe, companies mined asbestos and companies that processed asbestos into manufactured goods were well aware of the dangers their product was causing to tens of thousands of workers and their families each year.  There was no question about…


Property Owner in Worchester Fined over $50,000 for Asbestos Violations

According to a recent news article from the Worcester Patch, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has assessed a roughly $52,000 fine against a property owner in connection with alleged asbestos violations while he was renovating his three-decker apartment building in Worcester, Massachusetts. MassDEP officials said they were responding…


Massachusetts Asbestos Violations Cost Patriots Environmental $129k

For the improper handling of toxic material resulting in asbestos danger in Massachusetts, four affiliated firms agreed to pay $129,000 in fines. However, half of that cost will be deferred if the affiliates can manage to avoid any further environmental trouble, according to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.  The…


A Look at How Military Veterans with Mesothelioma are Treated

A recent news feature from the Huffington Post takes a look the additional hurdles faced by military veterans who are diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.  There is no question there are many ways soldiers die while bravely serving our country.  We have seen soldiers and sailors killed in firefights with an…


Plumber in Worcester Found Guilty of Child Endangerment Involving Asbestos

According to a news article from CBS Boston, a plumber in Worcester has been convicted on child endangerment charges.  The facts as alleged by prosecutors were that defendant hired a teenage worker to remove asbestos insulation.  This teenage worker was not trained in asbestos removal or properly certified and was…

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