Asbestos is now know to be a deadly substance capable of causing a fatal medical condition know as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other serious respiratory illness. The general public has known about the dangers of asbestos since the late 1970s, but companies who used and manufactured asbestos and asbestos-laden products knew long before that time.
These companies also knew it would take decades for workers exposed to asbestos to become sick, so they were willing to risk their health and safety for short term profits. While there have recently been many mesothelioma lawsuits, costing these companies and the successors in interest hundreds of millions of dollars and inducing bankruptcy in many cases, these companies were not concerned with anyone’s future.
Today, everyone knows asbestos can kill. However, not everyone knows how to identify asbestos, and what types of materials to avoid. In some cases, it is obvious to those trained what material contains asbestos, as there are some telltale signs. For example, 12″ by 12″ linoleum floor tiles manufactured prior to 1980 probably contain asbestos. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that, and there are many forms of asbestos that do not have any telltale signs, but since it was it so heavily used during much of the last century, asbestos is found nearly everywhere.
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