As patients diagnosed with mesothelioma hold out hope, doctors, researchers and other medical professionals are seeking various treatments to fight the progression of the deadly cancer. In recent findings, a drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of alcoholism may have the ability to fight off malignant mesothelioma tumors as well. Any effective cancer fighting measures could have the impact of improving and prolonging life for a victim. Mesothelioma continues to be one of the most aggressive forms of cancer and is often unresponsive to traditional therapies.
Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest forms of cancer and is caused by asbestos exposure. Victims may have been exposed to asbestos years or even decades before they learn that the asbestos has led to a cancer diagnosis. Our Boston mesothelioma attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims and helping patients recover maximum coverage after asbestos exposure. We will investigate your case, identify potential sources of exposure and pursue compensation from responsible entities. Our priority is helping victims recover the financial compensation they deserve and in raising awareness to prevent future cases of mesothelioma.
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