Around this time of year, it is almost impossible to log onto Facebook without seeing pictures of your friend’s Christmas trees and other holiday decorations. While many have boxes full of treasured ornaments that have been in the family for decades, the Telegraph warns that many of these antique ornaments may contain asbestos and may pose a serious health risk.
According to the news article, many vintage ornaments could be laced with toxic material. In fact, in the 1940s, the fake snow dusted on many of these ornaments was commonly made from pure asbestos.
Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if the material contains asbestos without expensive materials testing at a laboratory. Since most people are not willing to send their ornaments to a laboratory for asbestos testing, in England authorities are recommending any vintage ornaments containing fake snow should be thrown away. This, of course, raises the issue of safe asbestos disposal, but given it the alternative, it seems better than having asbestos on your family Christmas tree.
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