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Around this time of year, it is almost impossible to log onto Facebook without seeing pictures of your friend’s Christmas trees and other holiday decorations. While many have boxes full of treasured ornaments that have been in the family for decades, the Telegraph warns that many of these antique ornaments may contain asbestos and may pose a serious health risk.

christmas-ornament-1373026-m.jpgAccording to the news article, many vintage ornaments could be laced with toxic material. In fact, in the 1940s, the fake snow dusted on many of these ornaments was commonly made from pure asbestos.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if the material contains asbestos without expensive materials testing at a laboratory. Since most people are not willing to send their ornaments to a laboratory for asbestos testing, in England authorities are recommending any vintage ornaments containing fake snow should be thrown away. This, of course, raises the issue of safe asbestos disposal, but given it the alternative, it seems better than having asbestos on your family Christmas tree.
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The town of Billerica, located just north of Boston, is home to one of two Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund sites located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This site, now known as Iron Horse Park and once known as the Billerica Repair Shops, was once a major repair facility for the Boston and Maine Railroad. The Billerica Repair Shops were built in 1913. Employees of the repair facility built a small neighborhood along the railroad line that was known as Garden City.

wheel-1175115-m.jpgAccording to a recent news article in the Lowell Sun, this area also contained a landfill that was a frequent dumping site for asbestos material used in the repair facility and surrounding industrial park. The site became so contaminated it was believed it would not be usable for decades. In the 1980s, the EPA made Iron Horse Park a Superfund and set about removing the asbestos and capping the landfill. Capping a landfill involves adding layers of gravel, stone, and topsoil in an effort to prevent asbestos dust, which can lead to inhalation of the deadly fibers.
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According to a recent case before the California Court of Appeal, defendant purchased an asbestos mine in Coalinga, California in the early 1960s. From the time of purchase until 1985, defendant supplied asbestos to companies that used it for products to be sold to the construction industry.

stucco-632858-m.jpgPlaintiff was the owner of a construction company that built over 200 homes between the early 1960s and the mid-1980s. Plaintiff never personally worked as a builder or foreman on any of the home construction projects. He did, however, walk through the various construction sites on a regular basis. Each home was constructed with drywall that workers finished with premixed joint compound. After applying joint compound and allowing it to dry, workers then sanded it several times. Plaintiff was often present during the sanding process.
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Not only is mesothelioma deadly, there is also no effective means to control or cure the disease, as there are with some forms of cancer. If it were not for exposure to asbestos, malignant mesothelioma would rarely occur.

dna-1-1010760-m.jpgA recent article from Fox News looks at efforts by scientists to learn how mesothelioma forms and what can be done to treat the disease more effectively. One major difference discovered between mesothelioma and other forms of cancer is mesothelioma is likely caused by mutations in more than one cell.

Most forms of cancer are considered monoclonal, that is they are caused from mutations within a single cell. In making this finding, scientists used a method called HUMARA to trace cells from female embryos. The studied involved taking a serious of samples from 14 mesothelioma tumors removed from female mesothelioma patients. Through a change involving the deactivation of one x chromosome, researchers were able to make this link.
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In the town of Belchertown, Massachusetts, residents have been waiting many years for the demolition of the State School for the Mentally Retarded. According to a recent news feature from New England Public Radio, prior to its closing in 1992, the school was often referred to as a snake pit.

usa-dollar-bills-1431130-m.jpgThis was 20 years after it was revealed as part of a federal lawsuit that there were numerous hazardous and inhumane conditions at the school, including raw sewage in the cafeteria, toilets and showers in public areas, nonworking fire alarms, and incidents of abuse and neglect.
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It is well known that mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. When the fibers are inhaled, they can become lodged in a layer of tissue known as the mesothelium. The fibers are undetectable and cannot be removed by doctors. In time, normally 20 to 50 years, the fibers can metastasize into the deadly form of cancer known as mesothelioma, lung cancer, or other respiratory illness.

metal-5-1350787-m.jpgIt is for this reason that we normally think of older people being diagnosed with mesothelioma. However, a recent news article from the San Antonio Express discusses a tragic case of a woman diagnosed with mesothelioma at age 22.

As a young girl, she would frequently hug her father, sit on his feet, and grab his legs while he was covered in asbestos fibers from work. After inhaling the fibers, they became embedded in the tissue that lined her chest and caused tumors to form. At age 22, after having a baby, she was having her tubes tied when doctors discovered the tumors and diagnosed her with mesothelioma.
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As it stands today, mesothelioma is an incurable cancer.

However, researchers are making strides in treatment options. One of the best new methods of cancer treatment is the use of genetically-modified cells. As the LA Times reports, training the human immune system to recognize and fight cancer is now being called the the “fifth pillar” of cancer treatment. dna-1-1010760-m.jpg

Boston mesothelioma lawyers know many of the treatments effective with other type of cancer frequently do not work as well for mesothelioma patients. This is also true of genetically-engineered cells. However, researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center are taking a new approach that may work better.
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In 1967, a contractor for Win-Way Industries Inc. had the job of installing asbestos-containing insulation on pipes. Just a few feet away from where the contractor was working, employees of Dow Chemical Co. were removing old pipe installation and installing new insulation. That contractor who was installing the insulation died of mesothelioma, and his family believes Dow Chemical Co. should be held responsible for his death.

The family sued Dow, as well as Alcoa Inc., Hercules In.c, and Crane Co. The family alleged Win-Way Industries was not responsible for the exposure, but that it was the Dow employees who caused their loved one to breathe in asbestos. law books.jpg

The jury in the initial case awarded the family a $2.64 million verdict against Dow, according to the Texas Record.

However, when the company appealed, the jury verdict was reversed and the appeals court found in Dow’s favor. The family seeks yet another reversal, and the Texas Supreme Court recently granted a motion to review. Oral arguments have been set for next month.

This case is just one of many examples of an asbestos plaintiff having difficulty recovering compensation after exposure caused loss. Victims need to get help from an experienced Boston mesothelioma lawyer to navigate the legal system and obtain the compensation they deserve.
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Asbestos is a worldwide problem, resulting annually in nearly 110,00 deaths and more than 1.5 million disability-adjusted life years across the globe.

As the World Health Organization reports, around 125 million people worldwide are still exposed to asbestos in the workplace. Asbestos is also a big problem among home renovators who may not be aware of the tremendous risk they are taking with their life. house copy.jpg

A Boston mesothelioma lawyer knows many people simply are not informed about the dangers of asbestos or don’t think the warnings apply to them. Public education is necessary to help renovators, employers and workers understand the full extent of the risks that they take when they work in an environment that may have asbestos without the proper precautions.
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Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and many patients are not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease. While there is no cure, surgery can be performed to attempt removal of most of the cancer in order to prolong the life of the patient.

Boston mesothelioma lawyers understand it is essential for a patient to have an accurate diagnosis and understand the extent of his health issues before deciding whether to undergo surgery. medical surgery.jpg

A number of different medical tests can be performed on a mesothelioma patient to assess whether mesothelioma has spread throughout the body and whether a particular treatment will be effective. Patients need to seek treatment from specialists with experience in mesothelioma in order to make sure the appropriate diagnostic tests are used so the right treatment method can be chosen. The costs of this medical care should be paid for through workers’ compensation if the asbestos exposure occurred at work, or from compensation from an asbestos victim’s trust or from the asbestos manufacturer.
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