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New England mesothelioma cases are the direct result of negligent exposure to asbestos. shadows.jpg

Our Boston mesothelioma attorneys know that for many victims, it isn’t possible for justice to ever fully be served because currently, those who have been diagnosed with this awful disease aren’t going to get better. No amount of money is going to cure them.

However, these judgments are often about principal and about making sure that the victims’ survivors are going to be cared for after they die – usually decades sooner than they would otherwise.

But despite all the knowledge we have about the dangers of asbestos exposure, some companies still don’t seem to care about following the basics for removal of this deadly substance.

Sure, it’s contained in a lot of old materials, but there are very strict guidelines for how it must be handled in order to prevent exposure not only to workers but the general public. The danger is that if ingested through inhalation, a person could be at serious risk for mesothelioma or other cancers.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection takes these violations fairly seriously – and companies and their contractors should take heed.

The most recent case was a contractor in Mansfield that was fined nearly $20,000 for violating asbestos removal rules while working at the Boston Common Garage.

According to a press release by the state DEP, the company, National Restorations Systems Inc., was reportedly hired to complete demolition and renovation at the Boston Common Garage. For those who may be familiar, that’s the downtown garage at 0 Charles Street.

The company is actually based out of Illinois, but has a regional office in Mansfield, so it was able to complete the work locally.

The work started back in September of 2010. Just a few days after work began, a public safety official stopped a trailer that was pulling away from the site. It was believed that the trailer contained material that had asbestos in it. Both the vehicle and the trailer were ordered back to the construction site. At that point, the materials within were tested for asbestos.

The results of those tests found that there was in fact asbestos in certain pipe coverings.

The company was cited not only for failure to notify the state’s DEP about the presence of asbestos, but also for failing to properly remove it, according to state law.

It is believed that the demolition was stopped in time to prevent any major exposure to the public in the heavily-populated downtown area.

The company’s president has refused comment to the press.

The DEP has said that half of that must be paid by the company immediately. If it remains in compliance with state and federal laws, however, the remaining balance will be suspended.
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As we’ve previously reported in our Boston Mesothelioma Lawyers’ Blog, more than 100 companies deemed responsible for lethal asbestos exposure have filed for bankruptcy and established trusts in order to pay out claimants and minimize litigation.gambling.jpg

Boston mesothelioma lawyers recognize that there are pros and cons to this system.

On the one hand, there is the assurance that there will likely be money still left for those who will file Boston mesothelioma claims in the future. This is particularly important for a disease that remains dormant for decades.

On the flip side, those payments that are made are generally pennies on the dollar. They are nowhere near what you will get if you are successful in winning the case in court.

Now for most people, we know, the dollar amount isn’t always the point. Of course, you want to ensure that your family will be cared for. However, for many people, it’s often about the principal of the matter. These companies knew what they were doing was killing people. They knew it. And whether motivated by greed or some other force, they chose not to act. They chose not to change their practices. And they chose not to protect their workers and those in the general public.

Through bankruptcy filings and the establishment of a trust, these companies are allowed to remain operational. They are allowed to continue to make a profit.

Some people will see this as a plus. After all, how can they continue to make payments at all if they are shut down?

However, the fact that these trusts don’t guarantee a fair pay-out for those who file a claim is unfair, and should be addressed by our legal system.

We know that the first asbestos-related claims started trickling in in the 1960s. At the time, asbestos was still in regular use in the U.S. In fact, as late as 1973, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated that some 800,000 metric tons of asbestos were consumed by the U.S. That figure has fallen by about 99.9 percent in the U.S. since then.

Also in the interim, about 100 asbestos trusts were established.

Now, all of these trusts value claims in a different way. Take for example the Johns Manville trust. It values a diagnosis of mesothelioma at around $350,000. Meanwhile, the Owens Corning trust values that same diagnosis at about $215,000.

This is likely far less than what you would get if you took the case to court. On the other hand, a court case can be much more time-consuming then filing a claim with an asbestos trust.

The John Manville trust says that in the nearly 25 years since it was founded, it has received nearly 880,000 claims (10 times more than what it had initially anticipated) and has paid out an estimated $4.2 billion. What’s more, filings are actually increasing as more and more people are learning their asbestos exposure has led to a mesothelioma diagnosis. In fact, filings have risen nearly 60 percent just in the first nine months of 2011, when compared to 2010.

The trusts’ assets, meanwhile, dropped by more than 10 percent.

So now, the trust has been paying out legitimate, approved claims for far less than what they are actually worth. So for example, if you are approved for a claim of $100,000, you’re likely to actually get about $7,500. That is pittance, and it’s likely not even enough to scratch the surface of your medical bills.

Other trusts are paying anywhere from 18 to 35 cents on the dollar.

In some cases, trusts have asked to suspend all current cases while the sort out how much they can actually afford to pay.

The point is, if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you do have options – and those should be discussed at length with an experienced Boston mesothelioma attorney.
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Boston mesothelioma lawyers have been following the developments surrounding the case involving Fed-Mogul Global, Inc. gavel.jpg

In Boston mesothelioma cases – and really, in mesothelioma cases all over the country – it’s been common over the last 20 years for businesses accused of exposure to asbestos to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

They do this because they otherwise wouldn’t be able to stay in business if they had to pay out even a handful of the past, current and future asbestos exposure claims. So with a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, they can re-organize the business in such a way that they establish an asbestos trust that they regularly pay into.

People who have legitimate claims against that company for asbestos exposure and a subsequent illness, such as mesothelioma, can file a claim for a portion of that trust money.

The idea is to ensure that as many people as possible will be able to obtain compensation for dangerous exposure, rather than only a few complainants sucking the company dry and forcing it to close.

Many companies see handling these cases in bankruptcy court more favorable than having them wrung through the regular tort system, where they would likely be tied up in litigation for decades.

This was the track Fed-Mogul Global Inc. took. This company, the world’s largest manufacturer of automobile parts, as well as 150 of its affiliates, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy back in 2001. this was amid some 500,000 personal injury claims against the company for asbestos exposure. At the time, it had spent more than $350 million both defending against and settling asbestos exposure claims. And the claims showed no signs of stopping.

The establishment of a trust through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the company asserted, would assure they could pay out as many as possible and still stay in business. As part of that bankruptcy, the company listed as an asset its right to recovery liability insurance on the claims. So in other words, plaintiffs seeking relief from the trust could also go after the insurance companies as well if the exposure happened while the company was covered by a particular insurer.

However, insurance companies bucked this, saying that the contract the insurers had with the company expressly stated that plan would violate the anti-assignment provisions in the contract. In other words, Fed-Mogul Global could not transfer policies or insurance rights without the consent of those insurance companies – which they obviously weren’t going to provide in this case.

So now, the U.S. Court of Appeals in the Third Circuit, in a 68-page opinion, has sided with the insurance companies in stating that Fed-Mogul Global could not transfer its responsibility onto the insurance companies.

It’s important to note that while bankruptcy law is intended to permit well-intended, honest debtors to start afresh, it should not be a means for wrong-doers to obtain a safe haven. Our Boston mesothelioma attorneys understand that a bankruptcy does not absolve a company of responsibility for their past actions, and we will fight to gain you the compensation you rightly deserve.
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Boston mesothelioma lawyers are constantly on the lookout for information regarding new treatments for those diagnosed with mesothelioma in New England.dnafingerprint.jpg

As of yet, there is sadly no cure for this cancer, which usually kills within a year of diagnosis.

However, scientists appear to be pressing on in studying this deadly disease from every angle. That has resulted in the most recent findings, which indicate that there may be a genetic mutation that could contribute to a person’s susceptibility to mesothelioma, a cancer that kills roughly 3,000 people each year.

Now, a few things that are important to put into context. The first is that exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, which is otherwise a rare cancer that attacks the lining of vital organs. The asbestos exposure often occurs many years prior to an actual diagnosis, so the disease often remains latent for decades.

Secondly, it’s important to note that even if it’s true that a gene could increase a person’s susceptibility to sickness, it does not release some of these companies who perpetuated the asbestos exposure from liability.

That said, what the National Institutes of Health have discovered is that even though a large number of people have been exposed to asbestos (mainly before the 1970s) not everyone who was exposed gets sick. It is believed that about 11 million people were exposed to asbestos in the U.S. in the years between 1940 and 1978.

With symptoms remaining latent for 25 to 50 years, mesothelioma cases are expected to peak around 2020.

What researchers found in focusing on families that had high rates of mesothelioma or other cancers also had an eye mutation. That mutation was inside a gene called BAP1. A number of other patients who had no family history of cancer also had this same eye mutation.

Those with this mutation were also more likely than those without it to develop other types of cancers, including ovarian, breast, pancreatic or renal. This is the gene that acts to suppress the activity of tumors. So it would make sense that if someone has a mutation of this gene, they would be at higher risk to develop cancer.

Of course, like all mutations, some are genetic, but then some are apparently random. Exposure to certain carcinogens (like asbestos) can either create a mutation or increase a person’s risk that the mutation will multiply, or in other words, turn cancerous.

So to break that down, just because a person has the mutation doesn’t mean they will necessarily develop cancer. And just because a person doesn’t have the mutation doesn’t mean they are completely immune to a mutation.

The idea with this study is that if people are aware that they have this genetic mutation, they should take extra caution to avoid exposure to known carcinogens, namely asbestos, cigarettes and UV light.
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Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers routinely keep a close watch on the pulse of what’s happening in other districts and even states with regard to similar lawsuits.greenhardhat.jpg

Often, Boston mesothelioma cases can mirror what’s happening around the country. It’s important to know which strategies have been especially effective, as well as what hasn’t worked so well. That also keeps us up-to-date on case law, which could have a direct impact on future litigation.

So we’ve been following several cases out of California, in which a group of former workers have been trying to sue their one-time employer. These cases are interesting because the employer never made anything containing asbestos, the fibers of which can be inhaled and cause serious illness in the form of various lung diseases and mesothelioma cancer.

Asbestos exposure in a Boston suburb has resulted in criminal charges, and our Boston mesothelioma Lawyers understand that the 59-year-old landlord is accused of violating the, the incident happened in Grafton, about one hour west of Boston.

The woman is reportedly charged with three violations of the state’s Clean Air Act, and was specifically accused of improperly having asbestos removed from her property.

The defendant in this case purchased a property back in the late summer of 2007. Shortly after her purchase, she sent a formal notice to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. In that notice, she informed them of asbestos that was found in the roofing components, as well as in the wall board. Now unfortunately, many older structures in Boston still contain asbestos, despite the fact that the federal government barred its further use in U.S. products beginning in the 1970s.

But because its use was so prevalent throughout the first and middle part of the 20th Century, asbestos is still being found in a number of residences – especially in older, more established cities, like Boston.

Asbestos exposure can be deadly when it’s inhaled, causing fatal cancers, like mesothelioma. However, exposure doesn’t mean immediate demise. In fact, people may go many years before ever realizing they’ve been put at risk. By the time they are diagnosed with mesothelioma, their life expectancy is significantly reduced.

So when a property owner becomes aware of the asbestos, there are very specific procedures they have to follow in order to remove it. For instance, they have to a hire a contractor who is certified to handle the asbestos removal.

What allegedly happened in this case was that the property owner, back in the autumn of 2009, started paying two prospective tenants to begin renovation work on the property. That renovation work included removal of the siding.

The property owner knew of the existence of asbestos, as evidence by the letter she sent to the DEP back in 2007. And yet, the state contends she did nothing to warn the tenants that the work they were doing was putting them at serious risk for asbestos exposure – and all the illnesses that come along with that.

To make matters worse, the prospective tenant’s CHILDREN were also helping with the work. The landlord knew this too, and yet, stayed mum. These were individuals who had no training in dealing with asbestos, and they didn’t have the proper equipment to protect either themselves or those in the surrounding neighborhood.

In addition, she didn’t give the DEP a heads-up that the work was being started on, as she was required to do by law.

The DEP didn’t become aware of the situation until the landlord hired a private company to dispose of the asbestos-laden material, which was piled up at her property.

The landlord has pleaded innocent to the charges, which include failing to follow proper procedures, improper asbestos storage and failing to give notice of an asbestos-related project.

As of yet, there is no indication that the tenants who did the work have filed a personal injury suit against their landlord, though it appears in this case, they certainly could.
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Boston mesothelioma attorneys have been closely following the developments regarding asbestos trust funds and government attempts to increase transparency and reduce fraud.coinspile.jpg

Those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Boston have probably heard of these trusts. If not, it’s time to educate yourself.

Back in the late 1970s, Congress recognized the extreme dangers associated with asbestos exposure, which lead to a myriad of lung diseases, including the rare and deadly mesothelioma cancer, which attacks the lining of internal organs. Legislators realized that even after the dangers of asbestos exposure became widely known, many companies continued to use this fibrous, organic compound in everything from insulation to car parts. Even though inhalation of the fibers was known to make people seriously ill, they continued to use it because it was cheaper. Greed, plain and simple.

Boston mesothelioma attorneys know that this disease is brutal. redredwine.jpg

As of yet, there is no known cure for a patient dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis. However, there is encouraging research that was recently published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine recently, suggesting that red wine – of all things – may actually hold the key to treatment.

It seems somewhat far-fetched, and of course, we’re a long way from any sort of a cure. But we’re happy that research is ongoing, and that scientists continue to explore the possibilities, as mesothelioma is an acute and fatal disease and a diagnosis is a death sentence. Our Boston mesothelioma lawyers work tirelessly to fight for justice on behalf of those who were sickened by asbestos exposure that resulted from the negligence of corporations that produced this material, long after the impacts to health were widely-known.

Here’s what we know of this research so far:

While the health benefits of drinking red wine have long been touted, researchers have discovered that an element called resveratrol could suppress high levels of the Sp1 protein and has shown to kill mesothelioma cancer cells.

The experiment was conducted on laboratory mice in Korea at the Soonchunhyant University.

Resveratrol, which is an antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes, has been shown in previous studies to reduce high cholesterol and halt damage to blood vessels. It’s an organic compound, and it’s well-known to have other health benefits.

This new study was conducted on laboratory mice that had mesothelioma.

Scientists believe that Sp1 plays a significant role in the development of certain cancers – namely, mesothelioma. If scientists can figure out how to minimize the explosion of Sp1 proteins in cancer patients, they may be able to lengthen the lifespan of those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Of course, the researchers note that while this is a breakthrough, it’s not the end of the line as far as mesothelioma treatments. More research needs to be done to determine how these findings will translate for human patients.

And while it may seem a shot in the dark, it’s not uncommon that mesothelioma patients are willing to try almost anything, given the bleak prognosis for their condition. In most cases, the condition is treated with some combination of radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. In most cases, the sooner the cancer is caught, the more effective those treatments will be.

Yet, as there is no cure, many patients view it as a prolonging of the inevitable.

Often, doctors will encourage their mesothelioma patients to try alternative treatments, particularly if the side effects are expected to be minimal. In this case, it seems patients require little convincing to try it.
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Our Boston asbestos exposure attorneys have reported on numerous cases involving children who are placed at risk when district officials or construction companies are careless with removal of the deadly material. school.jpg

We know that Boston asbestos removal must follow strict guidelines in terms of how, when and who can complete the work.

But even when assurances are given that work is being done properly, that doesn’t always mean that every single party follows through. And when there are children involved, parents are understandably going to be upset.

We recently reported in our Boston Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog on asbestos concerns at Thorpe Elementary School in Boston, as well as those raised by a New York school that was hit by vandals, who unwittingly spread asbestos across the sidewalk.

Now, we understand that parents whose young children – ages pre-K through fifth grade – attend a Brooklyn school are voicing outrage that a renovation project may put the youngsters at risk. It’s reached such a fever pitch that parents have protested and even staged a sit-in – so far to no avail.

Our Boston asbestos exposure attorneys stand behind these parents in their quest to have the multimillion dollar renovation project postponed until the summer break, when the potential risk to students can be substantially mitigated.

Parents say they weren’t notified ahead of time that the work would be conducted. The renovation project, which started in March and is expected to span 18 months, involves working on the building’s windows, roof and outside facade.

The school district says that the work will be done on evenings and weekends, when no students are in the building. It says the work will be conducted in areas that will be safely cordoned off from students.

But not only is this an inconvenience (what about after-school events or if a child forgets her homework?), the greater concern is how will the district be able to ensure that the asbestos dust will be entirely settled – and not a risk to students – when they show up for classes the following day? This is especially alarming because parents have already noted a build-up of dust from the construction on both windows and playground equipment. So far, there is no word on whether that dust has been tested for asbestos levels.

Asbestos was banned for commercial use in building materials in New York in 1972. But like Boston, many of its older buildings still contain the dangerous, cancer-causing material.

Some parents were mulling the possibility of keeping their children out of school throughout the duration of the project, despite planned, standardized math tests that were scheduled to take place.

School officials have said caving in to a requested delay could set a “bad precedent,” causing many major projects to grind to a halt. But when it comes to children, could there be any better reason to use an abundance of caution, regardless of the impact on the speed of future projects?
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Often, we think of Boston mesothelioma patients as construction workers or rail workers or those who have been in some other type of building-related industry.tunnel.jpg

However, our Boston mesothelioma lawyers know that because asbestos exposure – the main cause of mesothelioma – most often occurs through airborne exposure, almost anyone is vulnerable. This was proven once again in an asbestos exposure complaint filed by police officers in Washington D.C.

Individuals who are members of the Capitol Police union have filed a complaint against the department, saying administrators didn’t protect them from on-duty asbestos exposure.

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