Mesothelioma is a devastating disease that affects and kills thousands of people each year in the United States. However, while the pain and suffering caused by malignant pleural mesothelioma and other types of mesothelioma rival those of any other type of cancer, the number of victims for mesothelioma are much lower. This is because mesothelioma is a rare disease, and it is virtually always caused by the victim being exposed to deadly asbestos fibers.
On the one hand, nobody would want to complain that more people are not stricken with this deadly illness. However, the fact that the numbers remain relatively low means that there is not big money for the major drug companies to work on a cure. As is often the case, it takes money to cure a disease, and drug companies are mainly for-profit companies that are far more concerned about their respective profit statements to shareholders than they are about helping people with a rare disease no matter the cost. Continue reading